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TrikePatrol.com - April - Truant Trim Tryst
TrikePatrol (Autor: admin)
TrikePatrol.com - April - Truant Trim Tryst

School in the Philippines is funny. Every girl you meet will tell you she’s a “college graduate” or she’s “in college”, but that usually means they did a 2-year post high-school education program. And since high school only goes up to 10th grade in the Philippines, that basically equates to 11th and 12th grade for us back in America (and most Western countries). I can’t tell you how many Pinays I’ve met (edit: fucked) that have said they were studying in college or already graduated.
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File size: 178 MiB
Duration: 31mn 0s
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TrikePatrol.com - April - Truant Trim Tryst

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Story published 27-11-2014, 13:32, viewed 3514 times.
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